A beautiful photograph was emailed to me, you can find it @ www.kingdomoflight.org It's location and date is unknown. But please check out the picture, (I have not read the content of the site) however, this picture clearly shows the hands of God pulling back the clouds to let the LIGHT shine through.
These scriptures follow the picture: Luke 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
These Words were Jesus' words, spoken around 70 a.d. Jesus spoke deliberately in parables, in other words he deliberately hid the Truth from the wise & proud religious people of His day. Why did He do this ? I think He did it because He knew their heart, that they already thought they knew the Truth, and they were arrogant & full of hypocrisy, so Jesus hid the Truth from them. They were so full of themselves they did not recognize the One standing in front of their face. Jesus is with us, in these days, to lead us, to show us what is happening upon this World, if we will but humble ourselves & seek Him and acknowledge our need for Him.
So it is the same today ! Jesus is still deliberately hiding himself from the proud & the hypocrites. As was the case then, is still the case today, that those who actually want to know the Truth (of what is happening) will search it out diligently (with all their heart) rather than proudly think "they know". That is why the disciples would seek out Jesus privately, to reveal the parables to them. It seems the many of the multitudes could have cared less, but the few disciples did and so they would seek out Jesus and ask Him to explain what He was (hiding through the parable.) This is still the case today and the Word of God is hidden to us until we humble ourselves. It takes faith first of all to believe the Word of God, and then diligence & humility to approach Christ so that He would take the veil off of our darkened minds so that the Word of God can be revealed to us. Truly until this is done, it is hidden.
I have been told that the phrase FEAR NOT, which is a commandment of the Lord, is stated 365 times in the New Testament, one for every day of the year. (I have heard people tell me now that they are full of fear) Jesus knew that fear is the opposite of faith. It is my prayer that many would seek the Lord during these "fearful times" to remove the veil, so that they can truly begin to 'FEAR NOT', which can only happen through HIs Word to Us. Instead maythe many find comfort and peace through HIs promise of Eternal Life. You cannot say you have faith & be full of fear. Diligence & the Truth of the Word of God can only destroy our fear & deliver us from being a fearful nation to a people grounded and established in Faith.
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